Pat Alviso -
National Director,
Military Families Speak Out (MFSO)

Stephanie Atkinson -
Courage to Resist & Former Army Reservist
Bill Gavin -
Activist & Counseling Director of  Center on Conscience & War
Siri Margerin -
Activist & Counselor, Before Enlisting co-ordinator - Bay Area GI Rights Hotline
Sylvia McGauley -
Activist & former high school history teacher in Troutdale, Oregon
 Jesus Palafox -
Board Member, Project on Youth and Non-military Opportunities (YANO)
Maria Santelli -
Activist & Executive Director of  Center on Conscience & War

Technical Support

Gary Ghirardi -
Communications staff volunteer, The National Network Opposing the Militarization of youth (NNOMY)
Fabiola Cardozo -
Peaceful Career Alternatives communications staff person,
The National Network Opposing the Militarization of youth (NNOMY)